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  • Kuala Lumpur
  • |
  • 08 Mar 2023

People of SDO Series: International Women’s Day Special

For International Women's Day, we bring you this special episode from the People of SDO series where we asked Ms Tan Ting Min, the only female Board Member of SD Guthrie International about her challenges as a successful woman in the industry.

Hosted by Madam Renaka Ramachandran, the Deputy Managing Director of SD Guthrie International herself, Ms. Tan Ting Min shared her insights on a variety of topics, including her personal experiences and achievements in the industry. One of the questions asked was how she balances her time between being a mother and a successful career woman. Ms. Tan Ting Min emphasised the importance of having a supportive family and workplace, as well as prioritising tasks and being efficient with time management.

Overall, the interview was a powerful testament to the strength and resilience of women in the industry, and a reminder of the important contributions they make to their workplaces and communities. Happy International Women's Day!